go struct tags

  1. A struct tag is a string literal (because it has the string type)
  2. Key is an unquoted string literal
  3. Value is a quoted string literal
  4. Key and value are separated by a colon (:). A key together with a value, separated by the colon is called a “key value pair“
  5. A struct tag can contain multiple key value pairs (optional). The key-value pairs are separated by a space.
  6. Not part of the definition is the options setting. Packages like encoding/json read the value as a comma-separated list. Anything after the first comma is part of the options, i.e: “foo,omitempty,string“. Here the value has a name called “foo” and options [“omitempty”, “string”]
  7. Because the struct tag is a string literal, it needs to be quoted either with a double quote or backtick. Because the value has to be quoted as well we always use backticks.


The ultimate guide to writing a Go tool


Tags in Golang


Go Tags explained


最后修改于 2019-03-28

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