qemu 协程


c/c++ 的协程根据具体的需求、条件限制有多种实现方式,业界也有比较成熟的开源库支持,如 libco libgo boost-coroutine,而 qemu 根据需求,也实现了自己的协程支持。

需要注意的是,协程自身的执行仍然是承载于系统线程之上的,在一个软件系统中必然存在许多同步调用(如 blocking socket),调用同步接口的线程会阻塞而被系统调度出去,当同步接口完成时线程会得到通知并再次得到调度,显然这对协程的调度而言是灾难性的,一个协程调用同步接口会导致其它协程完全得不到调度,当然前提是所有协程承载在同一个系统线程上,通常这个问题有多种解决方案,如将协程承载在多个系统线程之上(如 Go 语言的协程),或者 hook 常见的同步接口并在 hook 中实现协程切换(如 Python gevent 库的 monkey patch,以及 libco 和 libgo)。


qemu 的协程依赖于 setjmp 和 ucontext 两个组件,其中 setjmp 实现协程间的切换,ucontext 实现协程栈空间的创建。其主要的API 如下:


qemu 协程

协程退出调度(不管是主动释放 cpu 还是协程函数执行完成导致协程终止)总是把控制权返回给协程的上一个调用者,主线程实际上并不是一个协程(只是一个普通的系统线程,虽然在代码里叫 leader 协程)。当控制权返回到 leader 时,说明当前所有协程已结束或协程在等待 io 等而主动释放 cpu。


ucontext + jmp

 * ucontext.cc
 *  Created on: Aug 8, 2018
 *      Author: runsisi

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ucontext.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

/* The three contexts:
 *    (1) main_context1 : The point in main to which loop will return.
 *    (2) main_context2 : The point in main to which control from loop will
 *                        flow by switching contexts.
 *    (3) loop_context  : The point in loop to which control from main will
 *                        flow by switching contexts. */
ucontext_t main_context1, main_context2, loop_context;

sigjmp_buf env;

/* The iterator return value. */
volatile int i_from_iterator;

/* This is the iterator function. It is entered on the first call to
 * swapcontext, and loops from 0 to 9. Each value is saved in i_from_iterator,
 * and then swapcontext used to return to the main loop.  The main loop prints
 * the value and calls swapcontext to swap back into the function. When the end
 * of the loop is reached, the function exits, and execution switches to the
 * context pointed to by main_context1. */
void loop(
    ucontext_t *loop_context,
    ucontext_t *other_context,
    int *i_from_iterator)
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < 1; ++i) {
        /* Write the loop counter into the iterator return location. */
        *i_from_iterator = i;

        printf("before in for loop: %d\n", i);

        /* Save the loop context (this point in the code) into ''loop_context'',
         * and switch to other_context. */
        swapcontext(loop_context, other_context);

        printf("after in for loop: %d\n", i);

    printf("exit for loop\n");

    siglongjmp(env, 1);

    /* The function falls through to the calling context with an implicit
     * ''setcontext(&loop_context->uc_link);'' */

    printf("exit loop context\n");

int main(void)
    /* The stack for the iterator function. */
    char iterator_stack[SIGSTKSZ];

    /* Flag indicating that the iterator has completed. */
    volatile int iterator_finished;


    /* Initialise the iterator context. uc_link points to main_context1, the
     * point to return to when the iterator finishes. */
    loop_context.uc_link          = &main_context1;
    loop_context.uc_stack.ss_sp   = iterator_stack;
    loop_context.uc_stack.ss_size = sizeof(iterator_stack);

    /* Fill in loop_context so that it makes swapcontext start loop. The
     * (void (*)(void)) typecast is to avoid a compiler warning but it is
     * not relevant to the behaviour of the function. */
    makecontext(&loop_context, (void (*)(void)) loop,
        3, &loop_context, &main_context2, &i_from_iterator);

    /* Clear the finished flag. */
    iterator_finished = 0;

    /* Save the current context into main_context1. When loop is finished,
     * control flow will return to this point. */

    if (!iterator_finished) {
        /* Set iterator_finished so that when the previous getcontext is
         * returned to via uc_link, the above if condition is false and the
         * iterator is not restarted. */
        iterator_finished = 1;

        int i = 0;
        while (i++ < 5) {
            if (!sigsetjmp(env, 0)) {
                printf("before sigsetjmp\n");
                /* Save this point into main_context2 and switch into the iterator.
                 * The first call will begin loop.  Subsequent calls will switch to
                 * the swapcontext in loop. */
                swapcontext(&main_context2, &loop_context);
                printf("after sigsetjmp\n");

            printf("i_from_iterator = %d\n", i_from_iterator);

    return 0;

qemu coroutine

#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ucontext.h>

#ifndef container_of
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({                      \
        const typeof(((type *) 0)->member) *__mptr = (ptr);     \
        (type *) ((char *) __mptr - offsetof(type, member));})

/* Convert from a base type to a parent type, with compile time checking.  */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define DO_UPCAST(type, field, dev) ( __extension__ ( { \
    char __attribute__((unused)) offset_must_be_zero[ \
        -offsetof(type, field)]; \
    container_of(dev, type, field);}))
#define DO_UPCAST(type, field, dev) container_of(dev, type, field)

 * Mark a function that executes in coroutine context
 * Functions that execute in coroutine context cannot be called directly from
 * normal functions.  In the future it would be nice to enable compiler or
 * static checker support for catching such errors.  This annotation might make
 * it possible and in the meantime it serves as documentation.
 * For example:
 *   static void coroutine_fn foo(void) {
 *       ....
 *   }
#define coroutine_fn

typedef struct Coroutine Coroutine;

 * Coroutine entry point
 * When the coroutine is entered for the first time, opaque is passed in as an
 * argument.
 * When this function returns, the coroutine is destroyed automatically and
 * execution continues in the caller who last entered the coroutine.
typedef void coroutine_fn CoroutineEntry(void *opaque);

struct Coroutine {
    CoroutineEntry *entry;
    void *entry_arg;
    Coroutine *caller;

struct CoroutineUContext {
    Coroutine base;
    void *stack;
    sigjmp_buf env;

typedef enum {
} CoroutineAction;

 * Per-thread coroutine bookkeeping
static __thread CoroutineUContext leader;
static __thread Coroutine *current;

 * va_args to makecontext() must be type 'int', so passing
 * the pointer we need may require several int args. This
 * union is a quick hack to let us do that
union cc_arg {
    void *p;
    int i[2];

CoroutineAction qemu_coroutine_switch(Coroutine *from, Coroutine *to,
                                      CoroutineAction action);

static void coroutine_trampoline(int i0, int i1)
    union cc_arg arg;
    CoroutineUContext *self;
    Coroutine *co;

    arg.i[0] = i0;
    arg.i[1] = i1;
    self = (CoroutineUContext *)arg.p; // CoroutineUContext newly created by qemu_coroutine_new
    co = &self->base;

    /* Initialize longjmp environment and switch back the caller */
    if (!sigsetjmp(self->env, 0)) {
        siglongjmp(*(sigjmp_buf *)co->entry_arg, 1); // jump back to qemu_coroutine_new

    while (true) {
        co->entry(co->entry_arg); // may call qemu_coroutine_yield to switch back to the caller

        // save longjmp env in co->env and jump to co->caller->env
        qemu_coroutine_switch(co, co->caller, COROUTINE_TERMINATE);

Coroutine *qemu_coroutine_new(void)
    const size_t stack_size = 1 << 20;
    CoroutineUContext *co;
    ucontext_t old_uc, uc;
    sigjmp_buf old_env;
    union cc_arg arg = {0};

    /* The ucontext functions preserve signal masks which incurs a
     * system call overhead.  sigsetjmp(buf, 0)/siglongjmp() does not
     * preserve signal masks but only works on the current stack.
     * Since we need a way to create and switch to a new stack, use
     * the ucontext functions for that but sigsetjmp()/siglongjmp() for
     * everything else.

    if (getcontext(&uc) == -1) {

    co = (CoroutineUContext *)malloc(sizeof(*co));
    memset(co, 0, sizeof(*co));
    co->stack = malloc(stack_size);
    co->base.entry_arg = &old_env; /* stash away our jmp_buf */

    uc.uc_link = &old_uc;
    uc.uc_stack.ss_sp = co->stack;
    uc.uc_stack.ss_size = stack_size;
    uc.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0;

    arg.p = co;

    makecontext(&uc, (void (*)(void))coroutine_trampoline,
                2, arg.i[0], arg.i[1]);

    /* swapcontext() in, siglongjmp() back out */
    if (!sigsetjmp(old_env, 0)) { // set longjmp env for coroutine_trampoline so it can jump back
        swapcontext(&old_uc, &uc); // execute coroutine_trampoline to set longjmp label for new coroutine
    return &co->base;

void qemu_coroutine_delete(Coroutine *co_)
    CoroutineUContext *co = DO_UPCAST(CoroutineUContext, base, co_);


/* This function is marked noinline to prevent GCC from inlining it
 * into coroutine_trampoline(). If we allow it to do that then it
 * hoists the code to get the address of the TLS variable "current"
 * out of the while() loop. This is an invalid transformation because
 * the sigsetjmp() call may be called when running thread A but
 * return in thread B, and so we might be in a different thread
 * context each time round the loop.
CoroutineAction __attribute__((noinline))
qemu_coroutine_switch(Coroutine *from_, Coroutine *to_,
                      CoroutineAction action)
    CoroutineUContext *from = DO_UPCAST(CoroutineUContext, base, from_);
    CoroutineUContext *to = DO_UPCAST(CoroutineUContext, base, to_);
    int ret;

    current = to_;

    ret = sigsetjmp(from->env, 0);
    if (ret == 0) {
        // jump to while loop in coroutine_trampoline to execute the coroutine
        // function and then call qemu_coroutine_switch to switch back the caller
        siglongjmp(to->env, action);
    return (CoroutineAction)ret;

Coroutine *qemu_coroutine_self(void)
    if (!current) {
        current = &leader.base;
    return current;

bool qemu_in_coroutine(void)
    return current && current->caller;

Coroutine *qemu_coroutine_create(CoroutineEntry *entry)
    Coroutine *co = NULL;
    if (!co) {
        co = qemu_coroutine_new();

    co->entry = entry;
    return co;

static void coroutine_delete(Coroutine *co)
    co->caller = NULL;


void qemu_coroutine_enter(Coroutine *co, void *opaque)
    Coroutine *self = qemu_coroutine_self();
    CoroutineAction ret;

    if (co->caller) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Co-routine re-entered recursively\n");

    co->caller = self;
    co->entry_arg = opaque;

    ret = qemu_coroutine_switch(self, co, COROUTINE_ENTER);

    // co function finished with ret == COROUTINE_TERMINATE or yield with
    // ret == COROUTINE_YIELD

    switch (ret) {

void coroutine_fn qemu_coroutine_yield(void)
    Coroutine *self = qemu_coroutine_self();
    Coroutine *to = self->caller;

    if (!to) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Co-routine is yielding to no one\n");

    self->caller = NULL;

    // switch back to caller
    qemu_coroutine_switch(self, to, COROUTINE_YIELD);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void coroutine_fn test(void *p) {
    printf("before yield\n");
    printf("after yield\n");

int main() {
    Coroutine *co = qemu_coroutine_create(test);
    qemu_coroutine_enter(co, NULL);
    qemu_coroutine_enter(co, NULL);

    return 0;












最后修改于 2019-03-02